by on April 4, 2011 in Events KIBO

Hello Taiko Friends!

Emergencies create short notice and we apologize for that.  As all of you know, Japan’s northeast coast was devastated by the most severe earthquake Japan has ever experienced, followed by a wall of ocean water spawned by the quake (a Tsunami). What damage the quake started the Tsunami finished, destroying entire villages and sweeping away thousands.

Latest estimates are that over 30,000 people have perished and property devastation is the highest ever recorded world-wide. Medicine, food, shelter and drinking water remain urgently needed. The world has responded mightily but it will take many years to offset the effects of this disaster, many years before the survivors can return to a form of normal life. Aid will be required for a long time.

Hinode Taiko will be performing this Wednesday April 6 for an aid to to Japan fundraiser organized by Knox United Church. We will be joining Fubuki Daiko, Fred Penner, Flo Soul, Magdaragat Phillipines & other local artists in a concert to support relief efforts in Japan. Hinode Taiko will perform right after the intermission.

Below is a link to Knox United Church’s website if you’d like to see more info (performer links and more!)

The critical info:

KIBO: A Concert of Hope
Benefit for Japan Relief
Knox United Church
400 Edmonton St, Winnipeg
Wednesday, April 6
7:30 pm
Tix are $15
To reserve: or 942-4579

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Canada’s pre-eminent Japanese Drumming Ensemble

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